Monday, November 26, 2007

well good morning to you too, door

how bizarre...perhaps one door falls apart before another one opens...

i'm not even going to lie to you. this weekend was horrible. i'll spare the details but i feel like a child pretending to be a grown-up. isn't it awful when things from so long ago that you forgot about resurface and are pulled out of context and you can see how someone might feel the way they feel but that was never your intention. or when something you are proud of is suddenly seen as some sort of shameless self-promotion. it was horrible and hard, and i've had a hard time shaking it off.

but today was great.

yep it wasn't bad at all.

betsy's the sweetheart who started my day.
your email and support,
will you take a break from berkeley already and come back to the islands?

and then

i sold my buddha (an homage to frida kahlo)
this painting is very hard to let go of. my friend has been asking me about it since august!
i didn't mean to ever seem evasive...
i'm usually not this attached to things.
this was such a hard painting to paint, but i needed to do it.
and the cool thing is
he needs to have it! i needed to make it and he needs to have it. there is something thrilling about a transaction where both people know they just got what they needed. trading value for value.
and being able to tell the story.

you rock my world scott!
thanks for taking the time out to catch up with me.

last week, one of my old friends sent me this picture from when he visited...
how creepy!
i mean i know i'm just chillin out, eatin some cereal, but it stopped me in my tracks when i saw this photo. that was from around the same time the painting was completed.

it really made me realize how far i've come, how much art has helped me to change my environment and reality. how much art helps us to process experiences and then make change.
and how glad i am that i rearranged the living room.

ahh friends. thank you for all of these amazing friends.
here and everywhere.

everything's gonna be ok.