Wednesday, July 9, 2008

loose components: amazing sightseeing and sushi meets general despair

--[flashback to april, continued]--
so here's the thing.
i had to pull myself together!
heading into a world of strangers, who might not understand that i'm suffering this huge loss...
who might think i'm crazy if i burst out crying.

so i did all that in the rental car, and began the process of faking like i'm ok,
till i believe it.
one day...

my flight landed at 5:30am.
i went to (ew) wal mart to buy warm blankets and stuff right away, then to whole foods for coffee and shampoo.
from there, i was determined to enjoy this day. i had gotten very few hours of sleep in the past week, and the day was quite bright.
i figured i could spend the morning at the aquarium to let my poor eyes adjust...

^^^that's glass by the way, in case chihuly tricked your poor little tired eyes too...


don't lie. i know you liked that transition!

every time i am in seattle, i end up at pike place. i'm sure that's the classic tourist thing to do, but...i have an agenda and that is to eat at beecher's! after a little wandering, a bit of loneliness and quite a bit of macaroni and cheese, i went to the frye museum, which is totally free (!)
i hit it just right, between two shows: R. Crumb and a show titled 'Heaven is Being a Memory to Others,' Dario Robleto's exploration of our quest for immortality, and i caught part of the gallery talk that day. feeling very lucky, especially when i got in touch with my mom's friend's son and his girlfriend. amazing sushi and good conversation, and puppy dogs and the comfiest couch i have ever slept on. chris jambois rocks!

and then...and Then
it was time
to shuttle
to Stanwood.
i've been here before, but never quite like this.

my humble home for 9 weeks, and the view from my window

god how i missed this place!

Pilchuck Glass School is Amazing.


Mandy said...

Your blog made me sad. But the pictures are wonderful. Are you okay?

Jessica Landau said...

aww mandy! i'm totally ok (now). just being honest about my last coupla months...the biggest part of the sadness is that i lost my grandmother, right before i left to work at pilchuck glass school. ouch! that was back in april, and being away for so long actually helped me heal...